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Get telecom cable connection details
Operation is used to retrieve full details of given telecom cable connection id. Available from 3.2.24 product version.
Token issued for API consumer.
Id of telecom cable connection
Telecom Cable Connection
Automatic secondary length calculation
Cable batch
Cable ID
Cable type
Attenuation (dB/km)
Availability end
Availability start
Color coding
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Color config coding type
Maximum number of threads
Copper capacity
Default installation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Diameter (mm)
Fiber threads
Primary key
Url to fetch all cable types
Cable type technology
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Cable type
Unit cost
Connected capacity. This field can not be used for filtering results in searches. Available from product version 3.2.12.
List of cable's connection objects
An object representing a connection between cable and another object.
Describes which end the connection exists on. Either Beginning or End.
Minified information of a telecom manhole object
Manhole primary key
Name of manhole
Manhole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Minified information of a telecom premises object
Premises primary key
Name of premises
Premises identification
Premises type
Primary key
Url to fetch all objects
Premises manufacturer
Product code
Premises type type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Url to full information of premises object
Minified information of a telecom splice object
Splice primary key
Splice number
Splice type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Creation date time
End reading
Extra length
Is cable a false cable
Free capacity. This field can not be used for filtering results in searches. Available from product version 3.2.12.
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping date
Primary key
Cable importance
Install year
Default installation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Cable laying state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Cable length
Geographical location
Cable location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Cable or conduit measure
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value,
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Is cable geometry altered to connected conduits. Available from 3.2.16 on demand.
Cable owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Url to fetch details of related plan.
Is rent paid
Cable owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Cable role
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Secondary length
Start reading
Cable state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Url to fetch details of supercable.
Specifies supercable order
Survey amount
Telecom area id
Total capacity
Total length
Last updater
Last update date time
Used capacity. This field can not be used for filtering results in searches. Available from product version 3.2.12.
which end of the telecom cable is object connected (Beginning or End)
Primary key
information of a telecom manhole object
url of manhole address apartments
Manhole's angle
Creation date and time
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
history date
Manhole primary key
Installation year
Geographical location. Available from product version 3.2.16.
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
mapper name
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Manhole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
url of manhole plan
Is rent paid or not
Manhole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Telecom Area
Area size
Creation date time
Exchange Area
Primary key
Area name
Primary key
Geographical location
Area name
Area perimeter length
Area comments
Telecom area type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
information of a telecom manhole object
url of manhole address apartments
Manhole's angle
Creation date and time
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
history date
Manhole primary key
Installation year
Geographical location. Available from product version 3.2.16.
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
mapper name
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Manhole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
url of manhole plan
Is rent paid or not
Manhole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Telecom Area
Area size
Creation date time
Exchange Area
Primary key
Area name
Primary key
Geographical location
Area name
Area perimeter length
Area comments
Telecom area type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Branch Pole
Checkout Date
Created by
Created timestamp
Pole decay class
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Checkout Date
Primary key
Pole impregnant
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Install year
Pole length
Line Part
Location of pole in EWKT
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole material
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Construction
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Excavation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Limiter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Piping
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Agreed Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
Area Description. Activated on request by customer.
Begin Date
Contact Name. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Email Address. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Name. Activated on request by customer.
Contact phone number. Activated on request by customer.
Consumer Point Identification. Activated on request by customer.
Created by
Create Date
Customer Contact Date. Activated on request by customer.
Desired Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
District Area
Geographical location as EWKT representation
Name of District Area
Duration. Activated on request by customer.
Expire Date
First contact person for plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Unique id of plan
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer.
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
Latest Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
URL to the list of all Plans. Only shown when displaying plan details in related objects.
Geographical location. As EWKT representation
Louhi ID. Activated on request by customer.
Modifications. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Name of Plan
Plan Network Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Network Owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Offer Accepted Date. Activated on request by customer.
Offer ID. Activated on request by customer.
URL to the plan of which the plan is part of (subplan). Available from version 3.2.24. Activated on request by customer.
Plan remark. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plumbing Start Date. Activated on request by customer.
Property address. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Publicity
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Sum of cost for all related objects for the plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Updated by
Update Date
Work Activities. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Phase
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Work Project. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Main
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Sub
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole number
Pole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Remarks. Available from product version 3.2.14.
Pole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole stanchion
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole stanchion decay class
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Survey amount
Telecom area the pole is inside
Last updated by
Last updated timestamp
Pole state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Url to fetch details of related address apartments.
Premises' angle
Creation date time
Device room
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping date
Primary key
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Install year
Geographical location
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Name of the premises
Premises owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Construction
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Excavation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Limiter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Piping
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Agreed Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
Area Description. Activated on request by customer.
Begin Date
Contact Name. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Email Address. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Name. Activated on request by customer.
Contact phone number. Activated on request by customer.
Consumer Point Identification. Activated on request by customer.
Created by
Create Date
Customer Contact Date. Activated on request by customer.
Desired Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
District Area
Geographical location as EWKT representation
Name of District Area
Duration. Activated on request by customer.
Expire Date
First contact person for plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Unique id of plan
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer.
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
Latest Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
URL to the list of all Plans. Only shown when displaying plan details in related objects.
Geographical location. As EWKT representation
Louhi ID. Activated on request by customer.
Modifications. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Name of Plan
Plan Network Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Network Owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Offer Accepted Date. Activated on request by customer.
Offer ID. Activated on request by customer.
URL to the plan of which the plan is part of (subplan). Available from version 3.2.24. Activated on request by customer.
Plan remark. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plumbing Start Date. Activated on request by customer.
Property address. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Publicity
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Sum of cost for all related objects for the plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Updated by
Update Date
Work Activities. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Phase
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Work Project. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Main
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Sub
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Premises' remarks
Premises renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant. Same as with Premises owner.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
External source system
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Source system key. Available from product version 3.4.
Survey amount
Technical id
Technical information
Telecom area id
Premises type
Primary key
Url to fetch all objects
Premises manufacturer
Product code
Premises type type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Premises usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Information of a telecom splice object
url of splice address apartments
Angle. Available from product version 3.2.24
Attenuation. Available from product version 3.2.24
Creator. Available from product version 3.2.24
Creation date time. Available from product version 3.2.24
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping date. Available from product version 3.2.24
Splice primary key
Install year. Available from product version 3.6.8.
Geographical location. Available from product version 3.2.16.
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
information of a telecom manhole object
url of manhole address apartments
Manhole's angle
Creation date and time
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
history date
Manhole primary key
Installation year
Geographical location. Available from product version 3.2.16.
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
mapper name
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Manhole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
url of manhole plan
Is rent paid or not
Manhole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Telecom Area
Area size
Creation date time
Exchange Area
Primary key
Area name
Primary key
Geographical location
Area name
Area perimeter length
Area comments
Telecom area type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapper. Available from product version 3.2.24
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Splice Owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Splice placement
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
url of splice plan
Splice product name
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Human readable textual representation
Remarks. Available from product version 3.2.24
Splice Renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Scale. Available from product version 33.2.24
Survey amount. Available from product version 3.2.24
Telecom Area
Area size
Creation date time
Exchange Area
Primary key
Area name
Primary key
Geographical location
Area name
Area perimeter length
Area comments
Telecom area type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
information of a telecom manhole object
url of manhole address apartments
Manhole's angle
Creation date and time
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
history date
Manhole primary key
Installation year
Geographical location. Available from product version 3.2.16.
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
mapper name
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Manhole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
url of manhole plan
Is rent paid or not
Manhole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Telecom Area
Area size
Creation date time
Exchange Area
Primary key
Area name
Primary key
Geographical location
Area name
Area perimeter length
Area comments
Telecom area type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Manhole usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Branch Pole
Checkout Date
Created by
Created timestamp
Pole decay class
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Checkout Date
Primary key
Pole impregnant
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Install year
Pole length
Line Part
Location of pole in EWKT
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole material
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Construction
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Excavation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Limiter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Piping
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Agreed Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
Area Description. Activated on request by customer.
Begin Date
Contact Name. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Email Address. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Name. Activated on request by customer.
Contact phone number. Activated on request by customer.
Consumer Point Identification. Activated on request by customer.
Created by
Create Date
Customer Contact Date. Activated on request by customer.
Desired Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
District Area
Geographical location as EWKT representation
Name of District Area
Duration. Activated on request by customer.
Expire Date
First contact person for plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Unique id of plan
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer.
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
Latest Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
URL to the list of all Plans. Only shown when displaying plan details in related objects.
Geographical location. As EWKT representation
Louhi ID. Activated on request by customer.
Modifications. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Name of Plan
Plan Network Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Network Owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Offer Accepted Date. Activated on request by customer.
Offer ID. Activated on request by customer.
URL to the plan of which the plan is part of (subplan). Available from version 3.2.24. Activated on request by customer.
Plan remark. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plumbing Start Date. Activated on request by customer.
Property address. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Publicity
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Sum of cost for all related objects for the plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Updated by
Update Date
Work Activities. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Phase
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Work Project. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Main
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Sub
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole number
Pole type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Remarks. Available from product version 3.2.14.
Pole renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole stanchion
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Pole stanchion decay class
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Survey amount
Telecom area the pole is inside
Last updated by
Last updated timestamp
Pole state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Url to fetch details of related address apartments.
Premises' angle
Creation date time
Device room
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Height accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping date
Primary key
For defining, if manhole diagram is confirmed
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Install year
Geographical location
Location accuracy
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Mapping method
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Name of the premises
Premises owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Duct Diameter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Construction
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Excavation
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
District Heating Consumer Point Limiter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Piping
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Agreed Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
Area Description. Activated on request by customer.
Begin Date
Contact Name. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Email Address. Activated on request by customer.
Contact Name. Activated on request by customer.
Contact phone number. Activated on request by customer.
Consumer Point Identification. Activated on request by customer.
Created by
Create Date
Customer Contact Date. Activated on request by customer.
Desired Delivery Date. Activated on request by customer.
District Area
Geographical location as EWKT representation
Name of District Area
Duration. Activated on request by customer.
Expire Date
First contact person for plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Unique id of plan
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer.
Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
Latest Implementation Date. Activated on request by customer. Format is date with no time from product version 3.7.1.
URL to the list of all Plans. Only shown when displaying plan details in related objects.
Geographical location. As EWKT representation
Louhi ID. Activated on request by customer.
Modifications. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Name of Plan
Plan Network Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Network Owner
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Offer Accepted Date. Activated on request by customer.
Offer ID. Activated on request by customer.
URL to the plan of which the plan is part of (subplan). Available from version 3.2.24. Activated on request by customer.
Plan remark. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plumbing Start Date. Activated on request by customer.
Property address. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Publicity
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Sum of cost for all related objects for the plan. Not shown when displaying plan details in related objects. Activated on request by customer.
Plan type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Updated by
Update Date
Work Activities. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Phase
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Work Project. Activated on request by customer.
Plan Work Type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Main
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Plan Work Type Sub
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Premises' remarks
Premises renter
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant. Same as with Premises owner.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Safety Distance
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant.
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
External source system
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Source system key. Available from product version 3.4.
Survey amount
Technical id
Technical information
Telecom area id
Premises type
Primary key
Url to fetch all objects
Premises manufacturer
Product code
Premises type type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater
Last update date time
Premises usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Splice type
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all contants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Last updater. Available from product version 3.2.24
Last update date time. Available from product version 3.2.24
Splice usage state
Ending date time for availability
Beginning date time for availability
Is object deemed as available. Based on availability_start_ts and availability_end_ts values.
Group name of constant
Unique id of constant
Url to fetch all constants from this group
Logical textual value
Numeric value
Numeric value 2
Numeric value 3
Numeric value 4
Human readable textual representation
Authentication credentials are missing or invalid
"details": "Authentication credentials were not provided"
Detailed description of error
Object was not found
"details": "Not found."
Detailed description of error