  • 20 Jan 2025
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Article summary

Customer information is added and viewed on the Customerform. In the KeyNet tools, click Customerto open the Customerform. There are also other ways to access this form: click Customers in the tools on the Cablecableform; open it from the Device database section on the Telecom premisesteletilaform; or click Pick customer on the Circuitform. 

On the Customerform you can enter information on a new customer or retrieve customer information to the form in the same way as you would retrieve information to any other form. The Customerform consists of Customer information, Addresses, Billing information, Contact persons, Comments, and Circuits. The Billing information and Comments sections are hidden, and you can open them by clicking . Enter the information or retrieve the required customer information to the form. Click Addadd_addressto open the Address form for adding an address. The functions of the Address form are introduced in the chapter Address. You can add an address to the Billing information section in the same way. Do not forget to enter the name of the billed party.   

Customer’s circuits

The Circuits section on the Customerform displays the circuits that have been created for the customer. Click a row in the Circuit section with the right mouse button to open the Circuit or Address form, or to highlight a route on the map. You can sort circuits based on the columns: click the column you want to use for sorting the circuits.

On some forms, you can add information on the customer. Clickaddorcustomersto add information on such forms. You can transfer information from the Customer form to an object form by clicking Update to formvie

To view a list of objects related to the customer, such as circuits or the objects on the telecom premises’ device database, click List related objectson the Customerform. The list includes the type and name of the objects. Select the object by clicking Show on the form in the context menu.

Customer’s contact person

You can enter information on the customer’s contact person. In the drop-down menu for Customer, select Contact person. You can also open this Contact person form by right-clicking the correct person in the Contact persons section on the Customer form if contact persons have been defined.

Enter the information on a contact person and, if necessary, a secondary contact person. To select an address for the contract person, click  Addadd_addressto open the Addressaddressform. Search and select the correct address for the form. More information on the Address form is available in the chapter Address.

In the Related customers section, you can add or view existing related customers. You can add one by right-clicking the Related customers field and by clicking Add newadd. The Customers form is then opened. Click Update to formapplication_go to add a Customer. The customer you selected appears on the Related customers list.

Right-click a customer row to select one of the options in the menu:  Open customercustomers,  Add newadd, or  Deletedelete. These functions allow you to open the Customerform and add or delete customers.

On the Rental contract, information on the customer is displayed in the field Lessor or Lessee. Contact persons defined for each party can be selected in the fields Lessor contact and Lessee contact. More information on rental contracts can be found in the chapter Rental contract.

Customer’s reports

To create customer-specific reports, click Reportsreportand select Customer’s circuits in either PDF or XLSX format, or select Customer’s circuits logical OE connections, which displays the logical connections for the customer’s circuits.

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