Point objects
  • 27 Sep 2023
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Point objects

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Article summary

The Point object blue_pointform and its functions work as described for point objects in the chapter Buttons on object forms.


A loop/coil is not created in the same way as other point objects. You can draw loops/coils to the cable route when you digitize a cable or you can connect a loop/coil to a cable afterwards by taking the following steps:

  1. In the KeyCom menu, click Point object blue_point to open the Point object form.
  2. Enter the information in the fields: Type, Length, and Usage state. The length of the loop/coil is added to the total cable length on the Cable form.
  3. Click Create.
  4. In the Drawing options window that is displayed, in the menu for Snapping, select Follow a line.

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  1. Hold down the SHIFT key and click the correct point on the cable with the left mouse button to place the loop/coil.
  2. You can see the distance to the cable’s starting and ending point in the Following cable window in the Lengths field. If you have selected the Length checkbox, the length of the loop/coil (if provided) is added to the cable’s length.

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