Keypro Fair Use Policy
  • 08 Jan 2024
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Keypro Fair Use Policy

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Article summary

This document defines the fair use of Keypro provided software solution (“Keypro Solution”). This is important, as use beyond what is considered fair can have negative side effects on the normal use of the Keypro Solution.

Definition of “Network size”

The network size is the maximum of the following:

  • Number of circuits or end user service connections (homes or businesses connected) documented in Keypro Solution.
  • Number of network nodes (such as telecom premises, water valves, street light units) divided by number 5.
  • For telecom networks: Total length of telecom transmission cables documented in Keypro Solution divided by 1000m plus total length of all other cables documented in Keypro Solution divided by 100m.
  • For water and heat networks: Total length of water, sewer, stormwater and heat/cooling ducts documented in Keypro Solution divided by 100m.
  • For streetlight networks: Total length of electrical cables documented in Keypro Solution divided by 25m.

Definition of “Concurrent user”

Number of concurrent users for Keypro Solution is calculated as the maximum number of simultaneously connected users to the said solution during a day.

Each API request to Keypro Solution is calculated as a concurrent user in the number of concurrent users for the duration of ten seconds from the initiation time of the request.

Fair use policy

The use of Keypro Solution is considered fair when each of the following conditions are met:

  1. The size of the network documented in the Keypro Solution as defined in section 1.1 is within the limits specified in the agreement concerning the said Keypro Solution.
  2. The objects in the Keypro Solution are within the geographical boundaries specified in the agreement concerning the said Keypro Solution.
  3. The number of concurrent users accessing Keypro Solution as defined in 1.2 is not exceeding the number of concurrent users specified in the agreement concerning the said Keypro Solution.
  4. The interfaces to the Keypro Solution (such as JSON/REST API endpoints exposed by Keypro Solution) are not used for bulk data synchronization. Atomic interface requests must not be repeatedly or parallelly processed to bypass this requirement. If massive data transfers are needed, the process how these are completed must be agreed with Keypro.

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