  • 28 Sep 2023
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Article summary

Defining layers

Select Keygwt_Core > Layers.

  • Type: layer type









  • Name: unique internal name of the layer.
  • Label: internal label of the layer.
  • Label [fi]...Label [en]: label of the layer and its translations displayed to the user.
  • URL: URL for loading the layer.
  • Parameters: layer-related parameters that will be sent to the map server.
  • Options: layer-related options that will be sent to the map server.
  • Metaresource: WFS metaresource.

Layer group permissions

Select Keygwt_Core > Layer group permissions.

Layer locks

File imports lock the layer for the duration of the operation so that the layer cannot be removed in midstream. To remove the lock in problem situations, go to the Admin site (Keygwt_core > Layer locks).

Layer legend elements

Select Keygwt_Core > Layer legend elements

  • Layer legend: See the Layer legends chapter.
  • Description [fi]... Description [en]: a description and translations of the layer legend element, which will be displayed to the user.
  • Fill color: symbol fill color that will be displayed in the legend, for example, the color used to fill in a circle.
  • Stroke color: symbol stroke color that will be displayed in the legend, for example, the color used to draw a circle.
  • Stroke width: line width of a symbol that will be displayed in the legend.
  • Type: symbol and preview image that will be displayed in the legend.
  • Line dash length (px): length of a line for drawing a dashed line. In addition, the line space length must be defined.
  • Line space length (px): length of a line space for drawing a dashed line. In addition, the line dash length must be defined.
  • Icon URL: URL address that will be displayed instead of a symbol.
  • Order number: order of elements displayed to the user.

Layer legends

Select Keygwt_Core > Layer legends.

The layer legend defines the layer on which the legend will be displayed, and the layer legend elements define the content of the legend. Layer legend elements are discussed in the Layer legend elements chapter.

Layer: layer on which the legend is displayed (see the Defining layers chapter.

Layer info

Select Keygwt_Core > Layer info.

  • Node: See chapter Layer switcher nodes.
  • Header [fi].. Header [en]: header and its translations that are displayed to users.
  • Description [fi]... Description [en]: layer description and its translations.
  • Copyright [fi]…Copyright [en]: copyright information for the layer data and the related translations.
  • Source [fi]... Source [en]: layer data source.

Freely defined extra data for layer info

Select Keyqwt_core > Layer info EAV values.

  • Entity ct: not in use.
  • Entity id: layer info to which the freely defined extra data will be linked.
  • Text: information as text.
  • Link: URL link to the data, if available.
  • Extra data: Freely defined property attributes specified for the layer. (See the Defining freely defined extra data chapter.
  • Created: creation date.

Layer switcher nodes

Select Keygwt_Core > Layer switcher nodes.

  • Name: internal name of the layer switcher node.
  • Node type: whether this is a layer or a layer group.
  • Parent: parent under which the layer switcher node will be created. If nothing is selected, the node will be created at the highest level of the hierarchy.
  • Label: internal label.
  • Label [fi]...Label [en]: group label and its translations displayed to users. For individual layers, the layer label is displayed.
  • Order number: level within a group.
  • Layer: the layer in question (see the Defining layers chapter).
  • Checked: whether this layer is defined as a default. Not relevant to groups.
  • Expanded: whether this layer is expanded by default. Applies to groups only.

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