  • 29 Sep 2023
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Mapping defaults

To set the defaults, go to a Survey file import form in the application and click Save as defaults in the drop-down menu for Save. The selection is only visible to admin users.

Mapping configurations

Mapping configurations specify the order of fields in a file and the character used as a separator.

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Mapping configs.

  • Label: the name of the mapping configuration
  • Separator: the separator used to separate fields in the mapping file
  • Mapping options: the fields included in the mapping data.
    • Mappable: the content of the field; the options are discussed in Keyconvert mappables.
    • Column number: the order of columns in a land survey file. Column numbering must start from zero and there can be no gaps in the numbering. The order in which data is added is not relevant.

Mapping methods

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Mapping methods.

The Mapping methods admin page is used to manage the MAPPING_METHOD group under Text constants, and the group can also be accessed through Text constants (Editing text constants).

  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: the name of the mapping method and its translations
  • Numeric value: not in use
  • Order no.: the order in which mapping methods are shown to users on selection lists

Land survey file as raw text

The application’s form is the primary form that should be used for land survey file processing. To view the file as raw text, access it through this page.

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Survey files.

Do not edit the survey file’s fields or add new ones through the admin site.

Keyconvert mappables

Keyconvert mappable is a field (column) on the survey file form.

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Keyconvert mappables.

The admin page for Keyconvert mappables includes the text constant group KEYCONVERT_MAPPABLES, which can also be accessed through text constants (Editing text constants).

  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: the name of the mapping information field and its translations
  • This field is for information that has not been specified as being included in other columns: it is recommended that this be configured for one field only. If more than one field is specified, the field with the largest number will collect the information. (Mapping configurations). This data will be saved in the Numeric value 4 field in the text constants.
  • Note: If there is a problem, check that the Numeric value fields have values between 1 and 7 and that the Numeric value2 of the rows used is 1.

Results of the survey

The application’s form is the primary form that should be used for survey result processing.

Survey objects

The old way of defining the object types in imported files.

Code set

A code set is a set of kind codes, according to which the file’s rows will be interpreted. See the Convert codes chapter.

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Code sets.

  • Text: the name of the code set.
  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: the name of the code set and its translations
  • Order no
  • Numeric value
  • Text value

Survey coordinate orders

The old way of defining the order of coordinates in imported files.

Height accuracies

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Height accuracies.

The Height accuracies admin page is used to manage the H_ACCURACY group under Text constants, and the group can also be accessed through Text constants ( (Editing text constants).

  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: the height accuracy and its translations displayed to the user
  • Numeric value: numeric value equivalent to the height accuracy text
  • Order no.: the order in which height accuracies are shown to users on selection lists

Convert codes

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Convert codes.

  • Code: the type code in the mapping file
  • Table name: database table name equivalent to the code
  • Type field name: the name of the object type field in the object’s database table equivalent to the code
  • Type field table: the database table name of the object type equivalent to the code
  • Type field id: the primary key of the object type equivalent to the code
  • Id text: the default ID of the object equivalent to the code
  • Object pk field name: the name of the primary key field in the object’s database table equivalent to the code (usually ID or MSLINK).
  • Description: the description of the object equivalent to the code
  • Description [fi]... Description [sv]: the description of the object equivalent to the code
  • Code type: an alternative way of specifying the code type (old method)
  • Object type: an alternative way of specifying the object type (old method)
  • Specific type: an alternative way of specifying the object type (old method)
  • Geometry type (mapping geometry): the object’s location type, see Geometry types.
  • Code set: the code set to be used (see Code set).

Kind codes

The old method of defining the meaning of codes in a file.

Location accuracies

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Location accuracies.

The Location accuracies admin page is used to manage the LOCATION_ACCURACY group under Text constants, and the group can also be accessed through Text constants ( Editing text constants).

  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: the location accuracy and its translations
  • Numeric value: the numeric value equivalent to the location accuracy text
  • Numeric value 4: this must be an unambiguous number (in the old method, it must match the equivalent field in the SURVEY_CONSTANT table)
  • Order number: the order in which accuracies are shown to users on selection lists
  • Note! Conduit location accuracies are provided by the text constant group CONDUIT_LOC_ACCURACY, and cable location accuracies by the group CABLE_LOC_ACCURACY.

Geometry types

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert -> Geometry types.

Geometry types is an admin page that is only used for translation purposes. Edit only the Text [fi]… Text [sv] fields.

Survey procedures

Select Keygwt_Keyconvert ->Survey procedures.

Survey procedures is an admin page that is only used for translation purposes. Edit only the Text [fi]… Text [sv] fields.

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