• 22 Sep 2023
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Article summary

Diagram https://stage.keycom.keypro.fi/static/keyrns_core/image/net_diagram.png form can be found from the Tools in the main toolbar by opening the sub menu. Use the Diagram https://stage.keycom.keypro.fi/static/keyrns_core/image/net_diagram.png form to create diagrams of the links between various objects.

You can create, search, and delete diagrams, and add or delete diagrams on the map. On the form, you can create network diagrams of a specific area and a connection diagram for one or multiple objects selected on the map. Click Print diagram or Print part of diagram to print the diagram or a part of it. You can highlight threads using the Pick diagram objects button. To highlight a circuit, click a circuit point or a cable thread/fiber with the left mouse button. This function makes it easier to follow a route in the diagram.

In the figure below, a connection diagram and a highlighted object in the diagram. 

Network diagram: Illustrates the physical connections between telecom premises, splices, manholes and cables.

Connection diagram: Describes the thread connections of some specific telecom premises, splice, or manhole.

Tree diagram: Illustrates the connections of a device or cable either completely or partially for a selected connector/pair range.

Creating a diagram

To start creating a new diagram, click Clear page_white on the form. Next, click Create a network diagram from selected area pick_area_for_diagram and select the area on the map (alternatively, you can create a diagram from a map view area, free area, or an existing area), or click Create diagram based on object pick_for_diagram. Then select the telecom premises, splice, or manhole on the map. A diagram of the selected object/objects is displayed on the form. Finally, enter an identifier for the diagram and click Save to save it in the database. You can then add the diagram on the map. Adding a diagram on the map is discussed in the next chapter.

Adding a diagram on the map

To add a diagram on the map, open a diagram on a form, or create a new saved diagram, and then click Place on map chart_line_add. Then place the diagram on the map by clicking the left mouse button. You can modify the size of the diagram while you are placing it on the map. To do this, hold down the SHIFT key and move your mouse.

Deleting a diagram

You can delete a diagram and any illustrations of it on the map. First, open the diagram on the form and then click Delete https://stage.keycom.keypro.fi/static/image/cross.png. To delete only the illustration of a diagram, click Delete diagram from map  and point at the diagram with the left mouse button.

Tree diagram

Activate the Tree diagram function from the device list on the Telecom premises form, Device terminal form, Cable form, Connections management form, or through the Route follower. The Tree diagram function lets you follow the connections of a device or cable either completely or partially for a selected connector/pair range. The connections reserved by the selected circuit section are illustrated in a diagram format.

A tree diagram illustrates the following objects: telecom premises, manholes, splices, and cables. In a tree diagram, the connections of splices and manholes are illustrated as bundles. Internal connections on telecom premises are not illustrated in a tree diagram.

If there are no cross-connections between the devices in the telecom premises that were found using the route follower, no diagram will be drawn between them. You can highlight the diagram objects on the map or open them on a form.

The settings for a tree diagram define the connector/pair range, direction for following the cable, whether following is continued across cross-connections or not, and whether the tray and place or the feeding fibers/pairs are displayed or not.

Click Pick diagram objects to highlight the objects of a tree diagram. In the Diagram object selectionlist displayed, click an object with the left mouse button to highlight the object in the diagram. To edit an object, or to locate and highlight it on the map, click the right mouse button, and then select the required function.

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