WFS interface
  • 28 Sep 2023
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WFS interface

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Article summary

KeyCom can use and display external WFS service data through the WFS interface.

WFS Service

The URL to the WFS service, e.g.,

Version: WFS protocol version. The current recommendation is WFS v_1.1_.

Capabilities xml: collection of WFS features in XML format. This must be compiled manually by combining the service address and a search string, for example,

Options: Currently, an empty JSON collection: {}

WFS Resource

Name: a user-friendly name for the WFS metaresource

Form: a description of the form fields (see Configuring the WFS resource form).

Options: options related to searching and displaying WFS data

  • id_attr: the name of the id field
  • geometry_attr: the name of the location field
  • item_label_format: label format according to Python’s format specification
  • attributes: a list of the fields to be retrieved. May include localization.

Service: the WFS service being used (see WFS interface).

Typename: the field name offered by the selected WFS service

Description xml: a description of WFS features in XML format. This must be compiled manually by combining the service address and a search string, for example,
Note that the TYPENAME parameter must be the same as the Typename configured above


Configuring the WFS resource form

The form must be configured in the JSON format.


  // Form title as visible to the user

   "title": {

       "fi": "Kaapelit",

       "en": "Cables" 



  // The form fields to which the WFS feature data is mapped

  // NOTE: This is optional for WFS resources. All data can be retrieved with the "attributes" option

  items: [


      // Field type



      // Data attribute (column) name. 

      // Must be one of the columns stored in options

       "name": "id", 


      // Field label with localization prefixes 







    // ...



   "view": {

     "toolbar": {

      // Navigation form toolbar buttons

       "buttons": [







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