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Create physical reservations using logical reservations
Operation is used to create physical reservations from all logical reservations belonging to the circuit section with the id
Token issued for API consumer.
Id of circuit section
List of created physical reservations
List of created physical reservations
Reservation circuit
Reservation circuit order number
Reservation component name
Reservation component attenuation
Reservation component Id
Reservation component length
Reservation component state
Reservation component type
Reservation container name
Reservation container Id
Reservation container state
Reservation container type
Linear geographical location of component
Point geographical location of component
Reservation section
Reservation top container name
Reservation top container Id
Reservation top container state
Reservation top container type
Authentication credentials are missing or invalid
"details": "Authentication credentials were not provided"
Detailed description of error
Object was not found
"details": "Not found."
Detailed description of error