• 15 Feb 2024
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Article summary

The Annotations menu can be opened in the District heating tools with the DH Annotations open_annotation button. The annotation is placed on the map by first selecting the desired annotation tool, which will display a window in which you can select the information content for the annotation. Once the content has been selected, select the item on the map and place the annotation on the map.

Conduit annotations

The District heating conduit annotation button opens the conduit annotation configuration window. To place the annotation the map, click the desired conduit and then specify the point of placement on the map, if prompted by the program.

Cable annotation

Click the District heating cable annotation button to display the annotation configuration window.

To place the annotation the map, click the desired cable and then specify the point of placement on the map, if prompted by the program.

District heating valve and node annotation

The information content and settings of node annotations are the same for both District heating valves and Nodes C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\dh_node.png. To place the annotation the map, click the desired node and then specify the point of placement on the map, if prompted by the program.

District heating manhole annotation

Click the District heating manhole annotation button to display the annotation configuration window. To place the annotation the map, click the desired manhole and then specify the point of placement on the map, if prompted by the program. The Annotation symbol option creates a symbol on the map in addition to the text annotation specified in the settings. The configuration is done by Keypro.

Deleting annotations

To delete annotations from the map, first click Delete annotation and then select the area on the map from which to remove the annotations.

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