Maintenance history search
  • 27 Nov 2024
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Maintenance history search

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Article summary

Use the Maintenance history search to search for maintenance history information on network objects. The Maintenance history search function searches for network objects, such as water ducts that have been attached to a task. Only network objects for which components and deflections have been added are listed in the search. These maintenance activities are displayed on the Maintenance history tab for the network object.

To start the maintenance history search, go to the Network object menu and select the network object you want to search for. You can use the Task menu to narrow your search. Note! Use the Pick from map  tool and the related options to search for maintenance history objects on the map.

You can select more than one option in the Component menu. Please note that the Deflection menu is updated dynamically based on the Component selection.

Use the Begins and Ends calendar menu to restrict the history search to a certain period.

Click Search after you have defined the search criteria. The search results are displayed under Maintenance history entries. Double-click the network object to open the object form. Use the Export to Excel function at the bottom of the form to generate an Excel report of the search results. The Locate and Highlight  button highlights the maintenance service history objects displayed on the form.

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