  • 16 Feb 2024
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Article summary

The Manholemanholeform functions mainly in the same way as described for other point objects in the chapter Buttons on object forms.

Managing manhole connections

A manhole has physical connections and duct connections. Click Connections managementconnect to view and edit them. The Connections management form is displayed, on which you can view Duct connections. Duct connections are discussed in more detail in the chapter Managing duct connections. In the Duct connections menu, you can also select Physical connections. More information on them is provided in the chapter Managing physical connections.

Manhole diagram

A manhole diagram illustrates the connections inside a manhole. In the drop-down menu for Tools wrench, click Manhole diagramconduit_with_cablesto open the manhole diagram. The manhole diagram illustrates the various network elements (manholes, splices, ducts) with colours and symbols.

The Manhole form includes the field Manhole diagram confirmed. In the drop-down menu, select Yes/No according to the situation. If this field is empty, no actions have been taken regarding the manhole diagram related to this manhole. 

Saving a manhole diagram

Click Save diagram save to save the diagram.

Locating and highlighting the objects of the diagram on the map

When your mouse pointer is positioned over an object, select arrow_in Locate or  Highlight in the context menu.

Viewing and editing the information on the diagram objects

When your mouse pointer is positioned over an object, select show_in_formEdit (object) to open the form on a separate form. The general functions of the object forms have been described in the chapter Buttons on object forms.

Moving and rotating the objects of the manhole diagram

You can move and rotate the objects of the diagram by clicking Pick . Click to rotate, and move by grabbing the square over the object. Click Save diagram save to save changes.

Printing a manhole diagram

Click Printprint to print the diagram. The diagram is then opened on a new tab/window in the browser, and the browser’s printing function is initiated. Follow the browser’s instructions to print. You might have to choose the printer and other print options and click OK.

Adding text to the manhole diagram

  1. Click Add textfreetext.
  2. Enter your text in the Enter new text field that is displayed when you click on the diagram.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Position your text in the diagram.
  5. Click Save diagramsave to save changes.

Creating connections in a manhole diagram

  1. Click connect Connect.
  2. In the diagram, select the cable you want to connect.
  3. Select the splice you want to use for the connection.
  4. The following notification is displayed: Cable successfully connected to a manhole.
  5. Click save Save diagram to save changes.

Disconnecting connections in a manhole diagram

  1. Click Disconnect disconnect.
  2. In the diagram, select the cable you want to disconnect.
  3. You will be asked the following question: Are you sure you want to remove this connection? Select Yes.
  4. The system provides a notification that the cable connection to the splice has been disconnected, and has been connected to a manhole.
  5. Click save Save diagram to save changes.

Importing a splice to a manhole diagram

  1. Click Import splice from form application_get.
  2. If the Splice form contains a splice, it will be imported to the manhole in the manhole diagram.
  3. Add the splice to the desired location in the manhole diagram by clicking.
  4. If the Splice form is empty, the system notifies you that there are no splices that can be imported.
  5. Click save Save diagram to save changes.

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