• 23 Sep 2024
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Article summary

Observation form

On the Observation C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\monitor_eye_overlay.png form, you can record observations about the status and condition of a network object. Use the Pick from map C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\pick.png button to add an object related to the observation. Record observations related to the object and, if necessary, retrieve an address for it. To assign the observation a location on the map, click the Create new C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\chart_line_add.png button. Save the observations.

Note! The Done by and Address fields are automatically completed on the blank form according to the user ID and the nearest address, if the item has been assigned a location.

To disconnect a network object from the form, click the Remove connection to object C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\delete.pngbutton.

Tip: You can use the List C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\list_objects.png function to create a list view of all the observations that have been picked or retrieved to the form.

Observation from the node form

You can also add an observation from node forms (district heating manhole, valve, and node). Retrieve or select the desired objects to the form and click Observation C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\monitor_eye_overlay.png on the Other tools C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\wrench.png button’s drop-down menu. On the form that opens, click the Add observation C:\Users\saju-1\Pictures\icons\add.png button to open the Observation form pre-filled with information about the node you selected.

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