KeyCom 3.6.3 Release notes
  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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  • PDF

KeyCom 3.6.3 Release notes

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  • PDF

Article summary


This document describes new and noteworthy features added to KeyCom latest version.

Some features are subject to additional activation/order even if it is not mentioned explicitly, contact us for more details. Also please note that the features and their functionalities are subject to change and they can be removed or changed in the future releases.


Extra data

  • Added a list and a report with EAV attributes to Extra data form
  • Added a new Extra data form
  • Added a new Value tab to the Extra data form where all the currently used values in different forms can be examined and updated
  • Added a possibility to include aliases on reports
  • Added multiselect field for the Object type to the Extra data form
  • Added multiple object type selector to EAV form
  • Enhanced the security of the Extra data form by changing the user attributes
  • Implemented a search option by using the Extra data value in the identification field in the circuit section on the Circuit form


  • Added a new possible “Direction” parameter in Circuit service
  • Extended the Point Object form with the information of Owner and Renter
  • Implemented a generic object linking functionality
  • Improved circuit services to support address ID's from the external source systems
  • Improved circuit services to support address ID's from the external source systems
  • Enhancements
  • Enhanced terminal type list
  • Enhanced the current createNewCircuit service

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