KeyCom 3.7.0 Release notes
  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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KeyCom 3.7.0 Release notes

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Article summary


This document describes new and noteworthy features added to KeyCom latest version. Some features are subject to additional activation/order even if it is not mentioned explicitly, contact us for more details. Also please note that the features and their functionalities are subject to change and they can be removed or changed in the future releases.


Physical location information of device

  • Added REST API support for physical location information of device
  • Added a new physical location information section to the Device form to record more accurate information about the physical location of the devices located inside the telecom premises
  • Added a possibility to include columns related to the physical location information of the device in a Connections management form
  • Added a possibility to include columns related to the physical location information of the device in the circuit section reservations on the Circuit form
  • Added a possibility to move from the device hierarchy of the telecom premises to the Cross section form from the context menu of the Devices tab
  • Implemented a functionality that will automatically synchronize the physical location information with the parent device when the physical location information of the parent device has been changed
  • Implemented the physical location information columns in the device list on the Cross-section form
  • Implemented the physical location information columns in the List tool on the Device form
  • Implemented the physical location information fields in the Cross report printout

Circuit O&M (Operations and Maintenance) functionality

  • Added a possibility to prevent the deletion of a circuit if any of the circuit sections are in O&M (Operations and Maintenance) state
  • Added a possibility to prevent the deletion of a circuit section if the selected section is in O&M (Operations and Maintenance) state
  • Added a possibility to prevent the disconnecting of physical and logical connections if the “O&M” (Operations and Maintenance) functionality has been enabled in the system
  • Added a possibility to prevent updating the circuit section if any of the circuit sections usage states are in O&M (Operations and Maintenance) state
  • Added a possibility to prevent usage of Logical mass connection change form if the “O&M” (Operations and Maintenance) functionality has been enabled in the system
  • Added a possibility to restrict the “Complete circuit” functionality if any of the circuit sections usage states are in O&M (Operations and Maintenance) state

Contract functionality enhancements (CFE)

  • Possibility to delete multiple items from the contract linking list
  • Possibility to define if the Rent field is mandatory or not (the Rent field is not mandatory by default)
  • Possibility to search by typing with the Lessor and Lessee fields on the Contract form
  • Added User filter support for Contract form.
  • Added a possibility highlight and locate contracts on the map based on related contract object locations
  • Improved the Attaching of products and objects form by adding the contract number automatically to the title of the form

Other features

  • Added a possibility to define customized Setics STTAR preview layers in the admin user interface
  • Enhanced the physical circuit reservations to better support the Cross-section form and available route follower results
  • Enhanced the switching from Device form to Cross section form device list by adding the “Open in cross-section form” button in the toolbar
  • Enhanced the switching from Device form to telecom premises Device tab by highlighting the current device
  • Extended the Splice and Point Object forms with the “Install year” information field
  • Implemented the “Logical circuit mass creation” functionality also in PostgreSQL

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