KeyCom 3.9.0 Release notes
  • 18 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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KeyCom 3.9.0 Release notes

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Article summary


This document describes new and noteworthy features added to KeyCom latest version. Some features are subject to additional activation/order even if it is not mentioned explicitly, contact us for more details. Also please note that the features and their functionalities are subject to change, and they can be removed or changed in the future releases.


Additional information of the Tree diagram tool

  • Added a new Parent detail field to the Tree diagram options form which shows the object type and the object identification information for all objects when activated
  • Added a new Splice placement field to the Tree diagram options form which shows placement information for splices when activated
  • When Address field is activated in the Tree diagram options field the Tree diagram now shows address data from Telecom premises, Splice and Manhole forms
  • Tree diagram options form now supports the Logical direction drop-down menu which allows the user to define whether the direction of logical connections is ascending or descending

PostgreSQL compatibility

  • Added Automatic route search, Reserve based on template and Reserve parallel circuit features to the drop-down menu of the Reserve connection
  • Added a new Circuit work order report that generates detailed information about circuits, circuit installation addresses, circuit section basic details like usage etc. and also accurate information about circuit section's logical and physical reservations

Other new features and enhancements

  • The database ID of the Circuit section can now be shown in the Circuit sections form and in the List report produced by using the "Section ID" column
  • Route follower now remembers previous nodes and their routes when multiple threads/ports are followed
  • New columns of the Cable customer list
    • Circuit identifier 2
    • Contract number
    • Order number
    • Organization
    • Contract length
    • Redundancy
    • Importance
    • Circuit database ID
    • Comments

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