Maps and coordinate systems
  • 01 Aug 2024
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Maps and coordinate systems

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Article summary


Select Keygwt_Core -> Maps.

  • Name: name used internally by the system.
  • Label: user-friendly name.
  • Options: map options, for example:

“scales: [6000000,2500000,1000000,500000,250000,100000,50000,20000,10000,5000,2000,1000,500,250,100,50], maxScale: 6000000, minScale: 50, units:'m', maxExtent:new OpenLayers.Bounds(3000000,6500000,3800000,7800000),projection:"EPSG:2393",mapCenter:new OpenLayers.LonLat(3457632.87,6705378.64),zoom:8” 

in which...

    • Scales: available scales. Changing these is not allowed, unless Keypro application support has authorised you to do so.
    • maxScale: maximum scale
    • minScale: minimum scale
    • units: unit of measurement
    • maxExtent: available map area (pre-defined). Do not edit. Contact KeyPro support for help as necessary)
    • projection: coordinate system
    • mapCenter: default map center when logging into the system
    • zoom: default placement scale when logging into the system
  • Layers: layers included in the map

Coordinate systems

Select Keygwt_Core -> Coordinate systems.

  • Name: name of the coordinate system (usually the same as the code).
  • Code: code used for the coordinate system.
  • SRS details: defined in accordance with the PROJ.4 coordinate system.
  • Note: The options visible to users are defined in Text Constants. See the Coordinate system options chapter.


Do not edit!

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