Freely defined extra data
  • 27 May 2024
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Freely defined extra data

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Article summary

Freely defined extra data includes data that can be defined freely for various object types without making changes to the database. The data will be visible to users on the Extra data tab on object forms.

Defining freely defined extra data

Select Eav -> Freely defined extra data

  • Object type: object type to which the data will be linked. Described in the Extra data selections chapter.
  • Name [fi] … Name [en]: the name of the piece of information/field and its translation.
  • Data type: data type of the added data.
  • Order number:

Extra data selections

Select Keycore_Eav -> Extra data selections

  • Extra data model: object type to which the extra data is linked. Do not edit.
  • Form prefix: prefix of the object type form. Contact Keypro support if you need any help. Do not edit.
  • Active: whether the definition is active, i.e. whether the Extra data tab is displayed on the object form.

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