  • 15 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Defining task categories

Select Keycore_task-> Task categories.

  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: task category and its translations.
  • Order: order number for displaying the categories in a drop-down menu.

Defining task templates

Select Keycore_Task -> Task templates

Defining task types

Select Keycore_Task -> Task types

  • Identification: numeric identifier of the task type.
  • Task category: type of the task category (see the Defining task categories chapter).
  • Work description: a description of the work.
  • Unit: unit applied for measuring the amount of work. For example, hours or amount.

Defining task states

Select Keycore_task-> Task states.

  • The Task states admin page is used to manage the TASK_STATE group under Text constants, and the group can also be accessed through Text constants (Editing text constants).
  • Text [fi]... Text [en]: task state and its translations.
  • Order: order in a drop-down menu.
  • Text value: if the value is 1, the task has been completed.

Contractors for tasks

Select Keycore_task-> Contractors.

Name: Contractor’s name

  • Task offers: quotes provided by the contractor.

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