KeyCom 2024.3 Release notes
  • 01 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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KeyCom 2024.3 Release notes

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Article summary


This document describes new and noteworthy features added to KeyCom latest version. Some features are subject to additional activation/order even if it is not mentioned explicitly, contact us for more details. Also please note that the features and their functionalities are subject to change, and they can be removed or changed in the future releases.


Enhancements to the Change of circuit reservation functionality

  • The behavior of this feature has been unified for both Circuit and Cross-section forms.
  • Renamed the Change of logical reservation functionality to Change of circuit reservation:
    • Renamed the Edit reservation context menu functionality of the Logical reservations tab in Circuit form to Change of circuit reservation
    • Renamed the Change of logical reservation context menu functionality in Cross-section form to Change of circuit reservation
  • Possibility to select any connector from the Cross-section form as a replacement connector whose logical other-end connection leads to the same location as the connector to be replaced
  • Function when activated from the Circuit form:
    • If Change of circuit reservation tool is activated from the Circuit form, the system automatically opens the Cross-section form and populates the form with the selected device and connector from the Circuit form
    • If the Change of circuit reservation tool is activated from the Circuit form and the user selects "Accept change of reservation" changes are applied to the Circuit form resulting the Cross-section form for being closed and Circuit form being activated
    • If Change of circuit reservation form is activated from the Circuit form and user selects "Cancel change of reservation" Cross-section form is closed and the Circuit form is activated
  • Function when activated from the Cross-section form:
    • If Change of circuit reservation tool is activated from the Cross-section form the following options are presented: "Accept change of reservation" or "Cancel change of reservation"
  • If a device connector that is already in use/allocated to a circuit, the system will notify the user
  • Possibility to delete previous cross-connections associated with the replaced connector and set the construction state of the replaced connector to "broken"


  • Added support for KeyConvert REST API endpoints to import field surveys

PostgreSQL compatibility

  • Logical other end connection report is now compatible with PostgreSQL

Other new features and enhancements

  • Extended the current Telecom Premises Technology filter functionality to also support telecom premises annotations
  • Reservation of connections list now calculates the sum of the logical connection length to the Length field
  • Added support for URL field for WFS

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